The bank has announced that it will increase its purchase of government bonds by 50 trillion yen ($520 billion), a figure that is equivalent to approximately ten percent of Japan’s annual gross domestic product.

Japan's economy has been hurt by a variety of factors, not least decades of deflation or falling prices. Falling prices discourage people from spending and companies from investing, and that has trapped Japan in a cycle of what analysts have described as sluggish growth and recession.

Measuring approximately 0.3 miles in length the vessel will be almost as long as five football fields and take the crown of being the largest floating facility in the world.

Plans for the vessel represent the next stage in the two company’s plans to develop the Scarborough field using floating LNG. Analysts also see the move as the latest vote of confidence for what is still very much an untried technology. Nevertheless, energy companies remain hopefully that it will help bring down the rising cost of developing gas.

It was in 1994 that the Telecommunications Act gave rise to what was at the time dubbed the Communications Authority of Zambia. While it was mandated to regulate and monitor almost every aspect of the country’s telecommunication sector, the Authority was somewhat hampered by the restrictiveness of the Telecommunications Act, which did not give it the power to regulate competition amongst telecoms operators, provide cyber security regulations or even regulate the postal sector.

Founded in 1542, Santiago has been the capital city of Chile since colonial times. Located within the country’s central valley, its cityscape is shaped by several stand-alone hills and the Mapocho River. Situated mere hours away from both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean, visitors to Santiago are also treated to views of the iconic Andes Mountains from most places across the city.

Located on the southeast coast of Africa, Mozambique is the world’s 35 largest country and has become recognised as a favourite hot spot for countless mining companies, particularly those interested in coal. With coal found in the country having garnered a reputation for its purity, Mozambique has earned the moniker of being the “natatorium of coal mines”. 

Franchising itself in South Africa continues to prove to be very resilient,” states the Chairman of the Franchise Association of South Africa (FASA), Derek Smith. “Analysis conducted by Bendita Gordon of Franchise Directors showed that between 2008 and 2010 in the aftermath of the global recession hitting the country showed that, while the rest of the economy lost well over one million jobs, franchising actually created 25,000 new opportunities for people.”

Pricing is often overlooked as a strategic lever essential for revenue and profits. The global economic slowdown has heightened consumer sensitivities to pricing and value, however, prompting a resurgence of interest in integrated pricing policies and strategies.



Creative Director


Creative Director

Solar power is a great idea, but it is no good at night or when the sun does not shine – right? Wrong! In southern Spain there's now a solar power plant that can run constantly. We are used to seeing solar panels on houses and in solar arrays. These work by converting sunlight directly into electricity using photoelectric cells, but Torresol Energy was formed to introduce and test new technologies that make concentrated solar energy an economically competitive option and a real, viable, ecological and sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources.

The reserve quantities of fossil fuel are well understood by the energy industry, which uses tested indicated and proven reserve assessment to aggregate the resources that will be available in years to come. Renewable energy is usually expressed in terms of annual capacity, often ignoring the lifetime potential of wind and biomass projects.