
Dr Tawanda Mushuku, managing director of UAC Foods, is putting in place a firm strategy for creating a world class manufacturing, sales and marketing business in Nigeria.

US-based ITC Global, a provider of satellite communications to the mining, energy and maritime sectors, has acquired the remaining 10 per cent interest in ITC Guinee.

As a result of the transaction, ITC Global will own 100 per cent of ITC Guinee SARL. 

ITC Global's Guinea office has been fully operational since 2005 through an agency agreement. The location is fully staffed with a technical team that will continue to deliver ITC Global's customised solutions, the company said.

The African Development Bank has financed a new hospital in Tenkodogo, Burkina Faso.

The new hospital, fully equipped with 200 beds, is valued at an estimated €31 million and was financed entirely by the African Development Bank (AfDB). The project is part of the government’s healthcare support programme in the east-central and northern regions of the country, and will serve people who formerly had to travel up to 160 kilometres for treatment in hospitals in Ouagadougou. 


Canada’s Barrick Gold Corporation has confirmed that it is in discussions with China National Gold Group Corporation regarding the sale of its holding in African Barrick Gold (ABG).

The talks are at a preliminary stage, the company said.

Electra Mining Africa opens its doors to the world once again this year from Johannesburg on 10 September; and the 2012 show looks set to be the biggest and most exciting ever.

Nigeria’s Red Star Express Group has been gearing up for growth, delivering excellence through a combination of the latest IT and processes, and a truly personal service.

This year, Nigeria’s leading courier and logistics company Red Star Express celebrates its 20th anniversary. During that time it has not only established the Red Star brand in public and corporate awareness but has prepared the company for continuing growth and to support the needs of the burgeoning Nigerian economy.

Preparations are being made to develop the Songwe River Basin in Kyela, Tanzania.

The African Water Facility (AWF), in partnership with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development—Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF), hosted a meeting recently to launch the preparatory phase of the project.

The event was attended by more than 150 people, including local and national government officials from both countries and representatives from the beneficiary communities.

Australia’s Origin Energy has announced the commencement of drilling at the Mbawa prospect offshore Kenya.

Drilling at the prospect is expected to take about 60 days, which will reach a total depth of 3,250 metres subsea in water depths of 864 metres.

The Mbawa joint venture consists of operator Apache Kenya, which holds a 50 per cent interest; Origin Energy, with 20 per cent; Pancontinental Oil and Gas, with 15 per cent; and Tullow Kenya, which holds 15 per cent.

The drilling is being carried out by Apache on behalf of the joint venture.

Australia’s Bannerman Resources has announced an update on its discussions with Namibian state-owned mining company Epangelo Mining Company.

Bannerman and Epangelo signed a non-binding agreement, or term sheet, in April this year setting out the terms and conditions offered to Epangelo for it to acquire an initial five per cent interest (plus a follow-on option for  an additional five per cent) in Bannerman's 80 per cent-owned Namibian subsidiary, the sole owner of the Etango Uranium Project.