Zhike Lei, assistant professor at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, explains why corporate tree-hugging is no longer enough in the battle to tackle the sustainability challenge.
Social business will make a transformational impact on the way we work in the 21st century, even more than email and the internet did 20 years ago.
LOC Consulting’s Richard Savery discusses how mobile technologies and a combination of data from internal and external sources can free current BI initiatives from conventional constraints.
Which category do you fall into? More importantly, which category do your employees fall into? Does the answer really matter? David Dumeresque thinks so—and here he explains why.
Failure to keep and maintain accurate supply chain data can spell disaster in the event of an emergency—or even contribute towards one, as Anurag Dixit explains.
How do leading companies sustain their leadership position? They get their standards right, says George F. Brown, Jr.
Will 2012 be the year when brands deliver more value and less hype? Ayesha Mathews-Wadhwa looks at digital design trends through the consumer behavior lens.
Core values shape the culture and business strategies of a company. They also play a crucial role in driving performance, says John Treace.
Gamification is a rapidly growing hard trend that will accelerate learning for both business and education, says Daniel Burrus.
The Mayans predicted that 2012 would bring the end of days. Let’s hope it doesn’t, but it’s sure to be a turbulent year, says Peter Leeds.
This Issue features some of the most exciting projects and companies across the globe including Boliden AB Sweden, Stuggart 21, Shanta Gold, The Telt Project and many stories from across the globe.